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Elxis Performance Monitor
Artikel Initialisierungs Datei Ausführungszeit DB Abfragen Fehler
Global index.php 67.85 ms 27 0
System includes/loader.php 22.06 ms 19 0
Elxis Defender ...efender.class.php 36.96 ms 0 0
User ...com_user/user.php 2.72 ms 1 0
Mod menu 0.74 ms 2 0
Mod newsletter ...od_newsletter.php 0.94 ms 0 0
Mod ckpolicy .../mod_ckpolicy.php 0.54 ms 0 0
Mod dir category ..._dir_category.php 0.45 ms 1 0
Mod gallery ...y/mod_gallery.php 0.92 ms 0 0
Mod categories ...od_categories.php 0.80 ms 1 0
Mod comments .../mod_comments.php 0.90 ms 1 0
Mod whosonline ...od_whosonline.php 0.82 ms 2 0
Memory usage by PHP
Used memory644.44 KB
Memory peak796.08 KB
Available pluginselink, video, contact, gallery, autolinks, youtube, map, pagebreak, youtubegallery, directory, slider
Articles processed0
Plugin executions0
DB Abfragen
SELECT `component`, `route` FROM `elx_components` WHERE `route` IS NOT NULL
SELECT * FROM `elx_session` WHERE `session_id` = :pkey LIMIT 0,1
INSERT INTO `elx_session` (`session_id`, `uid`, `gid`, `login_method`, `first_activity`, `last_activity`, `clicks`, `current_page`, `ip_address`, `user_agent`, `session_data`) VALUES (:col0, :col1, :col2, :col3, :col4, :col5, :col6, :col7, :col8, :col9, :col10)
SELECT * FROM `elx_session` WHERE `session_id` = :pkey LIMIT 0,1
UPDATE `elx_session` SET `uid` = :col1, `gid` = :col2, `login_method` = :col3, `first_activity` = :col4, `last_activity` = :col5, `clicks` = :col6, `current_page` = :col7, `ip_address` = :col8, `user_agent` = :col9, `session_data` = :col10 WHERE `session_id` = :col0
SELECT * FROM `elx_acl` ORDER BY `category` ASC, `element` ASC
SELECT * FROM `elx_engines` WHERE `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
SELECT `element`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = :ctg AND `language` = :lng
SELECT `id`, `title`, `module`, `showtitle`, `position`, `content`, `params` FROM `elx_modules` WHERE `published` = 1 AND `section` = :sec ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
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SELECT `menu_id` FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :sec AND `menu_type` = 'link' AND `published`=1 AND `link` = :elxisuri AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `ordering` ASC LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `menu_id` FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :sec AND `menu_type` = 'link' AND `published`=1 AND ((`link` IS NULL) OR (`link` = '') OR (`link` = :defroute)) AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `ordering` ASC LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `moduleid` FROM `elx_modules_menu` WHERE ((`menuid` = 0) OR (`menuid` = :itemid))
SELECT `element`, `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'module' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (25, 21)
SELECT `params` FROM `elx_templates` WHERE `template` = 'five' AND `section` = 'frontend' LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_statistics` WHERE `statdate` = :statd LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `id` FROM `elx_statistics_temp` WHERE `uniqueid` = :xhash LIMIT 0,1
INSERT IGNORE INTO `elx_statistics_temp` VALUES (NULL, :xhash)
UPDATE `elx_statistics` SET `clicks` = :xcli, `visits` = :xvis, `langs` = :xlan WHERE `id` = :xid
SELECT `id`, `plugin`, `alevel`, `published`, `params` FROM `elx_plugins` ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
SELECT `params` FROM `elx_components` WHERE `component` = 'com_user' LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :section AND `collection` = :collection AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `ordering` ASC
SELECT `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'com_emenu' AND `element` = 'title' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (1, 2, 23, 3, 4, 6)
SELECT `catid` FROM `elx_categories` WHERE `seotitle` = :seocat AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :section AND `collection` = :collection AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `ordering` ASC
SELECT `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'com_emenu' AND `element` = 'title' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (1, 2, 23, 3, 4, 6)
SELECT `catid` FROM `elx_categories` WHERE `seotitle` = :seocat AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :section AND `collection` = :collection AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `ordering` ASC
SELECT `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'com_emenu' AND `element` = 'title' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (15, 16, 17)
SELECT `params` FROM `elx_plugins` WHERE `plugin` = :xplg LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `catid`, `title`, `seolink` FROM `elx_categories` WHERE `published`=1 AND `parent_id` = 0 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `title` ASC
SELECT, c.message, c.created, c.uid,,, AS aid, a.catid, a.title, a.seotitle, g.seolink FROM `elx_comments` c JOIN `elx_content` a ON = c.elid LEFT JOIN `elx_categories` g ON g.catid=a.catid WHERE c.published = 1 AND c.element = :celem AND a.published = 1 AND ((g.published = 1) OR (a.catid = 0)) AND ((g.alevel <= :lowlevel) OR (g.alevel = :exactlevel) OR (a.catid = 0)) AND ((a.alevel <= :lowlevel) OR (a.alevel = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY c.created DESC LIMIT 0,5
SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `elx_session` WHERE `last_activity` > :ts AND `uid` > 0 LIMIT 0,1
SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `elx_session` WHERE `last_activity` > :ts AND `uid` = 0 LIMIT 0,1



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