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Elxis Performance Monitor
Item Initialization file Execution time DB queries Errors
Global index.php 45.14 ms 28 0
System includes/loader.php 19.52 ms 19 0
Elxis Defender ...efender.class.php 19.59 ms 0 0
User ...com_user/user.php 2.34 ms 2 0
Mod menu ...menu/mod_menu.php 0.59 ms 2 0
Mod newsletter ...od_newsletter.php 0.35 ms 0 0
Mod ckpolicy .../mod_ckpolicy.php 0.21 ms 0 0
Mod dir category ..._dir_category.php 0.41 ms 1 0
Mod gallery ...y/mod_gallery.php 0.55 ms 0 0
Mod categories ...od_categories.php 0.42 ms 1 0
Mod comments .../mod_comments.php 0.57 ms 1 0
Mod whosonline ...od_whosonline.php 0.59 ms 2 0
Memory usage by PHP
Used memory645.73 KB
Memory peak711.65 KB
Content plugins
Available pluginselink, video, contact, gallery, autolinks, youtube, map, pagebreak, youtubegallery, directory, slider
Articles processed0
Plugin executions0
DB queries
SELECT `component`, `route` FROM `elx_components` WHERE `route` IS NOT NULL
SELECT * FROM `elx_session` WHERE `session_id` = :pkey LIMIT 0,1
INSERT INTO `elx_session` (`session_id`, `uid`, `gid`, `login_method`, `first_activity`, `last_activity`, `clicks`, `current_page`, `ip_address`, `user_agent`, `session_data`) VALUES (:col0, :col1, :col2, :col3, :col4, :col5, :col6, :col7, :col8, :col9, :col10)
SELECT * FROM `elx_session` WHERE `session_id` = :pkey LIMIT 0,1
UPDATE `elx_session` SET `uid` = :col1, `gid` = :col2, `login_method` = :col3, `first_activity` = :col4, `last_activity` = :col5, `clicks` = :col6, `current_page` = :col7, `ip_address` = :col8, `user_agent` = :col9, `session_data` = :col10 WHERE `session_id` = :col0
SELECT * FROM `elx_acl` ORDER BY `category` ASC, `element` ASC
SELECT * FROM `elx_engines` WHERE `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
SELECT `element`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = :ctg AND `language` = :lng
SELECT `id`, `title`, `module`, `showtitle`, `position`, `content`, `params` FROM `elx_modules` WHERE `published` = 1 AND `section` = :sec ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
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SELECT `menu_id` FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :sec AND `menu_type` = 'link' AND `published`=1 AND ((`link` IS NULL) OR (`link` = '') OR (`link` = :defroute)) AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `ordering` ASC LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `moduleid` FROM `elx_modules_menu` WHERE ((`menuid` = 0) OR (`menuid` = :itemid))
SELECT `element`, `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'module' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (25, 21)
SELECT `params` FROM `elx_templates` WHERE `template` = 'five' AND `section` = 'frontend' LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_statistics` WHERE `statdate` = :statd LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `id` FROM `elx_statistics_temp` WHERE `uniqueid` = :xhash LIMIT 0,1
INSERT IGNORE INTO `elx_statistics_temp` VALUES (NULL, :xhash)
UPDATE `elx_statistics` SET `clicks` = :xcli, `visits` = :xvis, `langs` = :xlan WHERE `id` = :xid
SELECT `id`, `plugin`, `alevel`, `published`, `params` FROM `elx_plugins` ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
SELECT * FROM `elx_authentication` WHERE `published`=1 ORDER BY `ordering` ASC
SELECT `params` FROM `elx_components` WHERE `component` = 'com_user' LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :section AND `collection` = :collection AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `ordering` ASC
SELECT `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'com_emenu' AND `element` = 'title' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (1, 2, 23, 3, 4, 6)
SELECT `catid` FROM `elx_categories` WHERE `seotitle` = :seocat AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :section AND `collection` = :collection AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `ordering` ASC
SELECT `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'com_emenu' AND `element` = 'title' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (1, 2, 23, 3, 4, 6)
SELECT `catid` FROM `elx_categories` WHERE `seotitle` = :seocat AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) LIMIT 0,1
SELECT * FROM `elx_menu` WHERE `section` = :section AND `collection` = :collection AND `published`=1 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `ordering` ASC
SELECT `elid`, `translation` FROM `elx_translations` WHERE `category` = 'com_emenu' AND `element` = 'title' AND `language` = :lng AND `elid` IN (15, 16, 17)
SELECT `params` FROM `elx_plugins` WHERE `plugin` = :xplg LIMIT 0,1
SELECT `catid`, `title`, `seolink` FROM `elx_categories` WHERE `published`=1 AND `parent_id` = 0 AND ((`alevel` <= :lowlevel) OR (`alevel` = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY `title` ASC
SELECT c.id, c.message, c.created, c.uid, c.author, c.email, a.id AS aid, a.catid, a.title, a.seotitle, g.seolink FROM `elx_comments` c JOIN `elx_content` a ON a.id = c.elid LEFT JOIN `elx_categories` g ON g.catid=a.catid WHERE c.published = 1 AND c.element = :celem AND a.published = 1 AND ((g.published = 1) OR (a.catid = 0)) AND ((g.alevel <= :lowlevel) OR (g.alevel = :exactlevel) OR (a.catid = 0)) AND ((a.alevel <= :lowlevel) OR (a.alevel = :exactlevel)) ORDER BY c.created DESC LIMIT 0,5
SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `elx_session` WHERE `last_activity` > :ts AND `uid` > 0 LIMIT 0,1
SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `elx_session` WHERE `last_activity` > :ts AND `uid` = 0 LIMIT 0,1



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